Brilliant quote from 'Dad's' blog, don't know who it's from but it's cool:
“In this country there is enough spiritual food for every man woman and child to be turbo charged miracle workers, who an actually make true Jesus’s words which say “if you have faith in me you can do even greater works than these” (greater than making the lame walk, blind see and the arrogant admit).
Yet, like our other food, it’s all a bit potted. We eat greasy hamburgers and fast/comfort food, like cheap bible notes and token, 2-verse readings, we accept sermons which tell us about the three Rs of ministry or whatever, but don’t actually tell us to get off our butts and minister to the downtrodden.
And like most of our edible food, our spiritual food is squandered, thrown away as it reaches it’s expiry date before we’ve opened it, left to fester: How many bibles are there in your house which haven’t been read today? For people across the world who have to paper their bathrooms with the gospel so that as a book it isn’t found by the authorities (which would lead to their execution), where people die ferrying bibles across borders, this scandal would not be tolerated.
In Africa some people every week walk 3 hours to church, have an hour long service, and then spend 3 hours coming back. That’s seven hours. So here’s the challenge: this week spend seven hours reading the bible. Not junk food, real food. The word of God. Structure your reading, read though sensibly, slowly and logically one book at a time, for an hour a day.”
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