Went to evensong again today, this time with Lou, Helen and Carl. I have to defend myself, I won't go with Helen again because she gave me the giggles which isn't a good idea in an echoey solemn cathedral! It was good going a second time, had an order of service so was able to follow what was being sung (by male and female choirs today).
I'm reading 'In Search of Authentic Faith' by Steve Rabey at the moment. It's subtitled 'how the emerging generations are transforming the church'. I've read the first few chapters, and though I'm not entirely sure of the overall message of the book yet it's so far proving to be an accessible and understandable crash course in generation differences and modern/postmodern differences. Rabey recommends Stanley Grenz's 'A Primer on Postmodernism' as an introduction to postmodernism which I might check out, 'postmodernism' seems to be thrown about an awful lot just now and I don't understand much of it!
Next book to pick up from the library is one by Brian McLaren, forgotten which one. Will be interesting to read his work, I haven't read many complimentary reports... any comments?
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3 months ago
Hey Laura,
It's really exciting to see people like you and Carl grappling with issues of church and society, it gives much more hope for the future, so stick with it!
Brian McLaren has an interesting style of writing which you may or may not like, but his thoughts and such are great IMO.
in my defence - it was funny!
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