Being at home with Mum is frustrating. She follows this 'prophet' who is beginning to have a very strong hold over her. He leads a group of her and her friends, acting as 'spiritual head' to the women, as they believe the correct way to get to God is for a woman to look to her man and the man to have Jesus as his head. They believe strange things, like reincarnation (Mum is convinced that there are very few are new spirits - her spirit was previously a person in the crowd at Jesus' crucifiction, and at some point the widow of a fisherman). Sometimes I'm surprised they bother reading the Bible, although the latest news is that this guy is planning to do a translation of the Bible - apparantly the people who have done translations have done it all wrong because they don't have the 'special sight' that he has. This 'special sight' includes being able to see people's auras and energy. I've been that I give out very bad energy, often at times when I'm completely calm and passive and nice. (But of course, I don't realise what energy I really give out).
I've gone over and over all this in my head, and talked to Christians I respect about it, who have assured me that it's right to think Mum is wrong, but she still has the power to scare me. Yesterday she gave me a serious preachy talk about the perils of ignoring a prophet of God. She pointed me to Deuteronomy 18, so I read it later:
'The LORD said to me: "What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth , and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to my word that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death."'
Obviously I'm hoping this situation falls into the second category, but there are still times when I'm unsure, especially when I'm at a low with God and I'm wondering if life as a Christian would be more fruitful and blessed if I were to believe this guy and listen to everything he says. The horrible thing is that Mum is constantly going on about loving me properly, at meal times she always thanks God for sending her this prophet and asks for help to love me properly. We don't have a good relationship, we're perfectly civil but I wouldn't say I love her, which worries me because she follows her prophet and she tries to love me (to the point of smothering me with affection, which is difficult to cope with when she's not shown much love in the past few years), yet I'm trying to follow God and I can't even bring myself to smile at her sometimes. I don't know if that speaks of her rightness or my inadequacy as a Christian. Definately the latter... possibly the former as well, I really don't know.
Prayer appreciated!
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3 months ago
hey mate. will pray.
As I read your post I had alarm bells going off loudly in my head. Sounds like this is a pretty tough and confusing situation.
As you say though, these people are majorly misusing the Bible and taking things out of context. I would say that this guy is at least a false prophet or a very mis guided one if nothing else!
What you believe is true. Just because you are finding it pretty much impossible to love your mum at the moment doesn't make you a bad person. It's something that will take time. Hold on to the truth dude.
I will be praying, not quite sure what else to say
I will pray for you laura, you are right in thinking that she is wrong along with this prophet guy, particually with the aura stuff, there isn't anyway you could give off bad energy, your too nice.
The bible says about astrology etc and how it's wrong and I think auras are probably involved in that bit of the bible too. Can't remember where it is though! grr...
I hope you get your mom some help before Prophet Man convinces them to commit suicide.
Brainwashing is no joke.
Obviously, she needs guidance. Let the guidance be love, and let it come from you.
Words fail me...That you have to put up with your mother believing what seems like utter tripe, having HER trying to convince you the tripe is good stuff and all the other feelings you're having to deal with right now...You are one strong, brave woman. I pray that God will grant you special wisdom and discernment in order to get through these trying times. I'll also pray that this charlatan is exposed as the creep he really is...
I came across your blog... I'm a lisenced Pastor from the United States in the Baptist general conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been involved in the Methodist and Presbyterian church so I have quite a variety in my Christian background.
Obviously, this guy is either being deceptive purposely, or he is decieved himself and truly believes that he is a prophet.
While your mom warns you about not listening to a prophet it would be wise to mention that the New Testament and Old Testament is full of warnings against False Prophets. The evidence of a true prophet is in whether or not they fall in line with what God is has said already. The first clue that something is not right is the idea that he was reincarnated, which is not found in Biblical Christianity.
I do have the spiritual gift of prophecy. I have a spirtual ability to read the signs of the times. I don't see the future but I can see paths people are heading(usually sinful paths) and have been given the job(not a very fun job) to call people back into fellowship with God.
I don't have an ability to re-write scripture or anything like that. There have been plenty of examples of people who have acted like this "prophet" guy. Joseph Smith founder of Mormonism.
Sounds like your mom has been wrapped up in a cult. This can be very dangerous because eventually if your mom goes deep enough in this the "prophet" will turn her against you. Pushing you out. that is what cult leaders do. They get people to severe ties and be dependent on them.
My suggestion is find ways to plant seeds of doubt about this guy in your mom without attacking what he says or what your mom is saying. Ask questions that make your mom think you are interested but that would lead her to places of conflicting information. I would also seek professional. Check the web for advice on people who deal with cult members.
Check this article out:
Praying for your wisdom,
Todd M - U.S.A.
Thanks everyone for your comments, each one has been really helpful and encouraging.
Violence (or threats at least) could sort this whole thing out, why can't people see that. Just consider it for a moment
Don't be stupid, violence doesn't do anyone any good. You should've learned that by now.
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