Easter is stupidly early this year, it's making me panic just a little bit about getting my life on track! I'm enjoying freedom at the moment, especially as Mum and I have been getting on a bit better recently.
I tried on a bridesmaid dress for Dad's August wedding yesterday. It's far too early to be looking but I've been told to try these specific dresses. This one was in Monsoon, it's a rose/dusky pink strapless dress with a full and floaty layered skirt. Not exactly me but it would be okay I guess! I have a few more to try so hopefully one of them will be better.
So Good Friday... the central point of the gospel. Easter always seems to be a time for personal reflection rather than any big celebration. Every year without fail the first thought that comes to mind on Good Friday is how big a failure I am, which ties in with Jesus being put to death for my awfulness. Then comes this uncertainty that I could ever do any better at being a Christian, at giving God my whole heart, time, money etc. The disciples were probably uncertain at that time, wondering if Jesus had really been telling the truth over the three years that were with him. The final feeling comes on Easter Sunday, an affirmation of God's greatness and my faith, and overwealming relief and thankfulness that Jesus' blood covers my sin.
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