From Emily via Helen, yay
Two Names You Go By
1. La
2. Ella
Two things that scare you
1. 28 Days Later
2. Being far from God
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Emails from Ben on weekdays
2. Sunshine from God at weekends
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Jeans
2. Black hooded top
Two of your favorite bands/singers at the moment
1. Can't remember the last time I listened to music!
2. Whatever comes into my head
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. Ben
2. God
Two Things that Appeal to You
1. Being Godly
2. Books
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Reading
2. Sunshine walks
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. China/Japan for pretty and mysterious scenery
2. Italy for all things sunny and arty
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Travel lots
2. Be a wife and a mum
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Reading more of Gone With the Wind
2. Of God and Ben and happy things
Two people you haven't talked to in a while
1. Umm, too many people
2. Sorry!
Two Favorite Sports
1. Swimming
2. Badminton
Two things you did last night
1. Ran outside in the rain to photograph an amazing sunset
2. Watched Good Will Hunting
Two T.V. shows you like to watch
1. Rubbish
2. and repeats, but only when I'm in the mood to waste money on a TV license
Two things you like about yourself
1. Getting excited at silly things
2. Clouds
Two things you ate today
1. Toast and jam
2. Nothing else yet, it was a close call with the cereal but there's no milk :(
Two people you last talked to
1. Ben
2. Dad
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3 months ago
you're such a nurd hunny :)
Loved this insight! Might have to try it myself.
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