I'm loving having time to read again. I've finished The Emerging Church, a book I'd recommend highly, I don't think I can fault it apart from repeating some things a bit. Now I've properly started I Capture the Castle which is lovely with a capital L. Ben has declared it a girls' book, though maybe that is what makes it lovely!
Favourite bits so far:
'Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.'
'I believe it is customary to get one's washing over first in baths and bask afterwards; personally I bask first. I have discovered that the first few minutes are the best and not to be wasted - my brain always seethes with ideas and life suddenly looks much better than it did. Father says hot water can be as stimulating as an alcoholic drink and though I never come by one - unless the medicine-bottle of port that the vicar gives me for my Midsummer rites counts - I can well believe it. So I bask first, wash second and then read as long as the hot water holds out. The last stage of a bath, when the water is cooling and there is nothing to look forward to, can be pretty disillusioning. I expect alcohol works much the same way.'
Any book which mentions Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice can't be bad. Although maybe twice 100 pages in is rather excessive! Never mind, I'm engrossed and can't wait to get home from work tomorrow.
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3 months ago
I Capture the Castle is a lovely book! Ans when you've read it, you'll have the pleasure of watching the film! Yay!
:D Yay! Only a few more pages to go
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