Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear Alfredo

Dear Alfredo

I was so excited to hear about your offer!

I wonder if you can help. You see, I have a very great problem in that (I'm a little ashamed to say it - you might have guessed by my name though) I'm a girl. I don't have a penis at all at the moment! Are you able to help? I might need a bulk order - do you think 10 would do it?

I await your advice

Many thanks


Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 08:48:32 +0200
Subject: From Alfredo Elliott

The Pe ktk n uo is Patch
Pen qfe is Patch will help you expand,
lengthen and en ild lar fm ge your pen wts is and
experience several major changes in your se qks x life! l

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