At the moment my faith has no words. I believe and ponder it but I haven't been vocalising it. I try to act it out but words haven't featured for a while.
I'm not sure if this is good or bad or anything at all. I used to be very into vocalising my faith and views - I'd love to have discussions with people, debates on the forum, wrote down prayers if I struggled to say them aloud and pondered bits of theology as I learned.
Now my prayer life is much more to do with feelings and moods, almost like a thread of spirit going to heaven that keeps God and I in touch but doesn't need to be put into sentences. I think I like it that way.
This is like introverted faith... I don't really like sharing it with people anymore because I rarely find people on the same wavelength. I'm not sure how it fits in with the community aspect of faith though. Maybe it's a phase.
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3 months ago
I don't have anything useful or helpful to say, except that I can empathise with some of that.
I can understand that. It has always strucked me as weired that people would think of worship as a skill involving rhetoric and poetic prowess. I don't think God judges us on our words but on our heart so to keep God in your heart rather than your lexicon can only be une bon thing.
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