Another batch of essays done at the last minute *cringe.* When I have a crisis like this I always have a flick through the trusty "Seven Habits for Effective Teens", focussing on habit three: Put First Things First. The thing is, every time I read it I'm already in a state of crisis, and putting first things first involves getting the essay written in time to hand in in 12 hours (hopefully with 7 hours sleep and a day of lectures somewhere in there).
Elly, one of my housemates, is the complete opposite. She has an essay due in four days and she's already finished it. She does so much work it's ridiculous! Louise is even worse, working right up to the deadline then runs to town to hand it in hoping that she'll catch the lecturer emptying the pigeon hole and be let off the penalty marks for lateness. At least I'm not that bad, it's good living with Louise!
On Sunday I went to the baptist church again, with Louise this time. It was nice having someone to sit with, especially someone who's good at mingling at the end. That's the worst part of church I find. Still not sure about sticking with the baptist. I'm comfortable there because it's so like my home church in style but in a way I don't want to be comfortable. You've got to lose sight of the land to reach new shores and all that.
It's the Christmas holidays in three weeks time, this semester has flown by. I feel like I've been at uni forever (in a good way) but in fact it's only been 8 weeks. There are many advent calenders kicking around in the house and much talk of Christmas presents. I've decided to start my Christmas shopping on the 19/20th December, which is cutting it fine but I'm not too keen on lugging presents all the way down on the train. This is planned procrastination, so it's ok!
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3 months ago
I'm with you on the mingling thing. I hates it.
guess it gets easier as you get to know more people... actually I find it easier in some churches than others.
I've with you on the Christmas shopping! Hey actually - do you want to meet up?
Yeah that'd be great Hels (hehe). Christmas shopping is so stressful, it would be nice to do it together.
Need an instruction manual for mingling - how do people think up small talk?!
yey shopping!
I need cheap stores ;) You don't get them in York. Oo actually, I think Poundland opened today!
Mingling.... 'whatcha doin for Christmas?', 'Are you from ... originally?', 'what do you do for a living?', 'when did u start coming to this church?', 'why?' erm........
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